When I was new in the blogging world I tried blogger as well as wordpress for few month but as google mostly prefers blogger we moved to blogger again.As my experience blogger is not a perfect blogging platform for newbies as compared to Wordpress.It comes with default boring templates and much other boring things.But there a positive option in blogger,that blogger has given us a option to edit our own template i.e. we can edit CSS and HTML but only professional blogger's can do this not newbies .Anyway leave that,today we will apply another cool and simple CSS hack which will remove underlines from your links.It is similar to removing image border hack.Now without waiting anymore lets go to the tutorial

How To Remove Underlines From Links?

To apply this hack you just to edit a little part of CSS code let's see how?

  1. First Go to your Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.
  2. Download a copy of your template.
  3. Now find for below code in your template.

a {
color: #0000FF;
text-decoration: underline;

Note - You will find this code little code different as coding of each template is differ.If you could not find this code then do not panic and simply post your Blog URL in the comments.

Now replace text-decoration: underline; with text-decoration: none;

Now save your template and you are done...

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