Popular posts is a widget provided by blogger which shows a list of most viewed posts from your blog.Recently we provide a hack about customizing blogger's official popular posts widget now using same trick we will customize popular posts widget with awesome style.The main part of this hack is you don't need to add any heavy JavaScript or any other scripts we will apply this hack with using only CSS.Also you can customize this widget with using blogger template designer.Let's go to the tutorial.

Multi Colored Popular Posts Widget Preview

Add Multi Colored Popular Posts Widget To Blogger?

  • Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.
  • Download/Backup your template.
  • Tick the Expand Widget Template check box
  • Now find for below code in your template.

/* Variable definitions

  • Note - If you can't find above code in your template then please contact me I will reply back as soon as time allows.

  • Now paste below code just below/after above code.

<Group description="PopularPosts Backgrounds" selector="#PopularPosts1">
<Variable name="PopularPosts.background.color1" description="background color1" type="color" default="#fa4242" value="#ff4c54"/>
<Variable name="PopularPosts.background.color2" description="background color2" type="color" default="#ee6107" value="#ff764c"/>
<Variable name="PopularPosts.background.color3" description="background color3" type="color" default="#f0f" value="#ffde4c"/>
<Variable name="PopularPosts.background.color4" description="background color4" type="color" default="#ff0" value="#c7f25f"/>
<Variable name="PopularPosts.background.color5" description="background color5" type="color" default="#0ff" value="#33c9f7"/>
<Variable name="PopularPosts.background.color6" description="background color6" type="color" default="#ff0" value="#7ee3c7"/>
<Variable name="PopularPosts.background.color7" description="background color7" type="color" default="#ff0" value="#f6993d"/>

  • Now find for


  • add below code just above ]]></b:skin>

#PopularPosts1 ul{margin:0;padding:5px 0;list-style-type:none}
#PopularPosts1 ul li{position:relative;margin:5px 0;border:0;padding:10px}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child{background:$(PopularPosts.background.color1);width:90%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child:after{content:"1"}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li{background:$(PopularPosts.background.color2);width:85%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li:after{content:"2"}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li{background:$(PopularPosts.background.color3);width:80%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li:after{content:"3"}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li{background:$(PopularPosts.background.color4);width:75%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li:after{content:"4"}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li{background:$(PopularPosts.background.color5);width:70%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li:after{content:"5"}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li +li{background:$(PopularPosts.background.color6);width:65%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:"6"}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li +li{background:$(PopularPosts.background.color7);width:60%}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:"7"}
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li:after,
#PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{position:absolute;top:20px;right:-15px;border-radius:50%;background:#353535;width:30px;height:30px;line-height:1em;text-align:center;font-size:28px;color:#fff}
#PopularPosts1 ul li .item-thumbnail{float:left;border:0;margin-right:10px;background:transparent;padding:0;width:40px;height:40px}
#PopularPosts1 ul li a{font-size:12px;color:#444;text-decoration:none}
#PopularPosts1 ul li a:hover{color:#222;text-decoration:none}

  • Now find the following code

<b:widget id='PopularPosts1' locked='false' title='Popular Posts' type='PopularPosts'>

  • and delete it until you reach this tag.(Be very careful while deleting this code and to verify that you have deleted the code correctly see the preview of your changes you will notice that your popular posts widget is disappeared)


  • After deleting the code paste below code in its place

<b:widget id='PopularPosts1' locked='false' title='Popular Posts' type='PopularPosts'>
<b:includable id='main'>
   <b:if cond='data:title'>
   <div class='widget-content popular-posts'>
     <b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
       <b:if cond='data:showThumbnails == &quot;false&quot;'>
        <b:if cond='data:showSnippets == &quot;false&quot;'>
         <a expr:href='data:post.href' expr:title='data:post.title' rel='bookmark'><data:post.title/></a>
         <a expr:href='data:post.href' expr:title='data:post.snippet' rel='bookmark'><data:post.title/></a>
        <b:if cond='data:showSnippets == &quot;false&quot;'>
         <b:if cond='data:post.thumbnail'>
          <img class='item-thumbnail' expr:alt='data:post.title' expr:src='data:post.thumbnail'/>
          <img alt='no image' class='item-thumbnail' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi4fmEoaJBllPZIyq9LDdS-T0WQrG0FgsP2hL2brQTfNEVMkDMX_tAnxmVlAk1X5Qo2HrTHM5muOk-B-ALDxQiyHDtdi50dYuFGD-x7cxKKWh3PFSrIxACW2qBK0iuQhfKCjc3T75vsbpY/s1600/defaultimage.jpg'/>
         <a expr:href='data:post.href' expr:title='data:post.title' rel='bookmark'><data:post.title/></a>
         <div class='clear'/>
         <b:if cond='data:post.thumbnail'>
          <img class='item-thumbnail' expr:alt='data:post.title' expr:src='data:post.thumbnail'/>
          <img alt='no image' class='item-thumbnail' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi4fmEoaJBllPZIyq9LDdS-T0WQrG0FgsP2hL2brQTfNEVMkDMX_tAnxmVlAk1X5Qo2HrTHM5muOk-B-ALDxQiyHDtdi50dYuFGD-x7cxKKWh3PFSrIxACW2qBK0iuQhfKCjc3T75vsbpY/s1600/defaultimage.jpg'/>
         <a expr:href='data:post.href' expr:title='data:post.snippet' rel='bookmark'><data:post.title/></a>
         <div class='clear'/>

Widget Settings

  • Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Page Elements
  • Click on the EDIT link of Popular Posts widget
  • Select "display up to 7 posts".
  • Now Save the widget.


  • Go to Design > Template Designer
  • Advanced > Popular Posts Background
  • Now customize the widget as you wish and save your template.

Now go to your blog you will watch your brand new popular posts widget.

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