Feedburner lets you to display your recent posts with BuzzBoost widget.By default the widget includes a credit at footer that says "Headlines By Feedburner".When I expand the javascript link I found a CSS ID like creditfooter.By using display:none; property we will simply remove the feedburner credit link permanently.
When I open this javascipt link I notice that there was a text like creditfooter the I started applying my tricks and finally I succeed to remove feedburner logo with using display:none; property.For more see the image of java script code below.

How To Apply This Hack?

If you have don't added Recent Posts Widget to your blog then you can get full tutorial here.

  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Page/Edit Layout.
  2. Click on EDIT LINK at the bottom of your Feedburner widget tab.
  3. Add below code just BEFORE your present code.

/* BuzzBoost Logo Remover Trick By HB */
div  #creditfooter{ 
display: none; 


Now refresh your blog you will notice that FeedBurner logo has disappeared.



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