Page navigation widgets helps your readers to easily navigate through your blogger pages.We have already shared page navigation with scroll and this time we are sharing 10 page navigation widgets with beautiful style for blogger.By using page navigation will help your to go to and selected page with a one click,no need to play with older posts and newer posts.This page navigation styles are created by Harish of way2blogging who always create beautiful widgets for blogger :) Here with this tutorial I am giving a widget generator,simply choose your style,customize your gadget and directly add it to your blog.Now lets see some instructions about widget generators.

How To Add Page Navigation Widget To Blogger?

As mentioned above I am providing a widget generator for page navigation widgets.Just follow below steps carefully,

  1. First of all you must log in to your blogger account
  2. Select a style from 10 styles
  3. Customize the settings as you wish
  4. Hit Generate button
  5. Finally hit Add to Blogger button.

  • Now It will added to your page layout
  • Drag it to just below of posts (See image below,click on image to enlarge)

Click On Image To Enlarge
Finally save your widget and visit your blog to see it live on your blog.Peace and Blessings Buddies :)

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