Syntax highlighter is a best tool to show your HTML,CSS,JavaScript and other codes in multi colors.There are many great features which makes it more popular such as you can implement and use it very easily,9 beautiful themes,you can highlight the lines which you want and many other features.I am also using this tool on this look you wiil watch it in some of my posts :) Now lets see how to implement it in your blogger blog.

How To Add Syntax Highlighter To Blogger Blog?

Below I am providing a scripts generator which created by Nitin and modified by me,with using the scripts generator you can easily select the theme and brushes which you need.Just follow below instructions carefully,

  1. Select the theme of your highlighter,you can see demo of theme here.
  2. Then select the brushes which you want
  3. Click on the Get Code button
  4. Copy all the code from the text area
  5. Now go to your template
  6. Find for </head> tag in your template
  7. Add copied code just above it,

Now you have successfully implemented the syntax highlighter into your blogger blog,now lets see how to use it,

How To Use Syntax Highlighter Into Blogger Posts?

While creating a post go to Edit HTML section
Use below code yo use syntax highlighter

<pre class='brush:[brushname];'>

  • replace [brushname] with brushname which you want to use to highlight the code,
  • replace ADD THE PARSED CODE HERE with the encoded code,to encode the codes you can use our HTML Code Encoder tool

for an example,if you want to use or highlight CSS code then use the code below,

<pre class="brush:css;">

if you want to use or highlight HTML code then use the code below,

<pre class="brush:html;">

use same above trick to highlight any type of code

That's all about adding syntax highlighter into blogger blog,I hope you have liked this tutorial also if you are getting any single problem then feel free to share it via comments,I'll glad to help you :)

pEaCe aNd bLeSsInGs BuDdIeS :)

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