In 2012 I have published/shared many great blogger widgets but as per new posts are coming they are going back and many of you are missing such great widget thats why I have decided to write today's post and I have collected some great blogger widgets for you.I hope all of you will surely like them :)

1. jQuery Popup For Facebok Like Box (V5)

2. Static Pop Out Facebook Likebox (V2)

3. Custom Facebook Like Box (V5)

4. Pinterest Pin It Buttons

5. Custom Facebook Like Box (V4)

6. Beautiful Social Sharing Widget Just Below Of Blogger Posts

7. Slide Out Social Bookmarking Gadget

8. Popup Email Subscription Form

9. Updated Mashable Style Widget

10. TechCrunch Style Widget

What Next?

In next post I will collect some drop down menus which I have published/shared on this blog,so stay connected by subscribing this blog and I hope you have liked this collection.

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