Add rainbow color effects to your blog links very easily.If anyone hovers the mouse on any links then he/she will see a cool seven types of color.As soon as when he hover out from that link then it will stop showing the different colors.This widget works based on simple JavaScript. Once it�s applied, all links on the page exhibit a rainbow effect onmouseover.Adding this widget to blogger is so easy just click add to blogger button below.

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How To Add This Rainbow Effect To Your Links?

Just press Add To Blogger Button Below.


  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit/Page Layout.
  2. Click on Add a Gadget > HTML/Javascript.
  3. Paste below code and save it.

<script src="http://helperblogger.webs.com/files/rainbow-colors-helper-blogger.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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