Floating Twitter bird widgets allows your reader a direct link to your twitter profile.It is very great looking widget which attracts your readers attention which may results in increasing your twitter followers.Here I have used fixed position property which floats with your scrolling.Just copy the code below replace my username with yours and save it.Now let's go to coding part....

How To Add Floating Twitter Bird Widget For Blogger ?

  • Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Page Layout.
  • Choose Add A Gadget > HTML/Javascript.
  • Paste below code and save it.

<div style="position: fixed; bottom: 20%; right: 0%;"><a href="http://twitter.com/rahulippar" target="_blank"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhppwLvcW8FHWvy0k18toZvc1h8iiR_P0T88j_Q9WeRn81q2tE6IS9lwM7GJv3Ptnx9w_kbizJIje9RyynPYD__D4nLgdhAGE9Dgq8OpXGFICuQ5ba9b_K71HekNzE1UTPnLHUMPKOWJ4w/s1600/btsnts-twitter-float.png"></a></div>

Now replace rahulippar with your twitter username and save it.

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