BuySellAds is a leading advertising company.Which shows advertises on your blog without taking the much time to load your blog.BuySellAds is a best way to make money through your blog.But getting approved for BuySellAds is quiet hard and it depends upon impressions on your blog per month.Here I am giving list of minimum requirements for getting approved.

Minimum Requirements To Getting Approved For BuySellAds

  • Greater than 100K impressions per month (for new sites, if you (or your team) have a history of creating really nice websites we will accept you)
  • Your website must be live, finished, and have fresh content.
  • Your website must contain custom domain (eg. www.abc.com), we don't accept sub domains (eg. www.abc.blogspot.com)
  • No porn, anything illegal, or containing even remotely "questionable" content.
  • If you have a ton of untargeted ads on your site already, then they are not going to approve you.
  • Getting denied does not mean that we will not approve you at a future date.

Sellers Consider These Things While Selling The Ads

  • Your Alexa Rank.
  • Your FeedBurner Subscribers.
  • Your Twitter Followers.
  • Your Facebook Likes.
  • Your Google Pagerank.

Best of luck.
Please spread the knowledge. And throw your queries in comment box.I'll glad to help you.....  

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