Table of contents is a great widget to show all of your posts in one page.This widget also shows a small new button which indicates that the post is new.The main script behind this widget was given by abu-farhan so I gave all credits to abu-farhan sir.Now lets see how to add this widget to blogger.You can add it on new page also you can add it in your blogger posts.I am giving a live demo at the bottom of page....

How To Add Table Of Contents Widget To Your Blog ?

You can add this as a new page or you can publish it via your post,Choose as you wish.Now let's go to coding part.

  • Copy this code and put it in your blog post or new page. (Note - This widget updates automatically as you publish posts on your blog)

<script src="http://helperblogger.webs.com/files/btsnts-toc.js">
<script src="http://btsnts.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&amp;max-results=500&amp;callback=loadtoc" type="text/javascript">

Now replace btsnts.blogspot.com with your blog URL.

Live Demo ?

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