On many website you will see a moving text,you can also add it to your blog by just using a simple marquee tag.You can also add it at top or just below of your navbar.In this tutorial first we will see how to use the marquee tag and after we will see marquee tag using the css.I will also give a tutorial on moving facebook like button,twitter follow button and google +1 button after.Now let's see how to use marquee tag.

How To Use <marquee> Tag ?

  • Go to your Post Editor 
  • Change tab to Edit HTML 
  • In Edit HTML Section type
<marquee>Welcome To Btsnts</marquee> 

Demo ?

Welcome To Btsnts

You can change the background color,font color and font family by adding the css.

How To Stop marquee On Mouse Hover ?

To stop marquee on mouse hover you will have to use this tag

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();">YOUR TEXT HERE</marquee>

Now add your text in ADD YOUR TEXT.Lets see a demo for stop marquee on hover.

Demo ?

Welcome To BTSNTS

Adding CSS TO marquee Tag

To change background,font family and font color use the code below..

<div class="text">
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();">Welcome To BTSNTS</marquee></div>

Demo ?

Welcome To BTSNTS

You can the CSS values as you wish for selecting a correct HEX Color you can use our Hex Color Generator.

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